
The 12th Annual
PA Firefly Festival & Events
Registration News and Information
The registration for ALL the 2024 PA Firefly Events is now open to those who have been randomly selected from over 2500 applications. If your name was chosen to register for an event you entered, you will be notified by email on Monday, April 1. You will receive the link to the ticketing website, so you can register for the event of your choice within 24 hours of that notification. We expect that you will register only the number of adults on your application. DO NOT SHARE the link with anyone. Only adults need to be registered for the events. Children 5 to 11 years old are FREE and do not need to be registered. These events are not intended for children under 5-yo.
If you are unable to register for the event(s) for any reason, please reply to the email, so that we may fill your spot. If you do not register for an event within the 24-hours (April 2), your space will open to the next name in the queue. Those notified after April 2 or subsequent dates, will also have 24-hours in which to register, and the queue will remain active until all spaces have been claimed.
We DO NOT notify the remainder of the list of names who were not selected. So you can assume if you do not receive an email that you were not selected, and will have to wait for another year. We will neither keep nor sell your email contacts. We will make the announcement on the website and Facebook when the registration is completed.
As the time gets closer, we will contact attendees with further details. So monitor your email for updates in June. Your next step should be to secure lodging accommodations or campsite reservations. For a list of lodging in and around Forest County visit forestcounty.com. We look forward to meeting you soon.