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In 2011,  a group of campers saw fireflies flashing in unison at their campsite in the Allegheny National Forest. Not fully understanding the significance of what they observed,  they contacted a firefly research group - the Firefly International Research & Education team (FIRE Team). In June of 2012, the FIRE Team came to Kellettville to study the fireflies of the ANF for 10 nights.  They confirmed the presence of over 15 species of fireflies, including the synchronous firefly, Photinus carolinus.   In 2013, a handful of local residents formed the PA Firefly Festival (PAFF) to celebrate the annual mating season of fireflies in late June.  It didn’t take long for people to catch on to this unique natural phenomenon and they flocked to Kellettville to recapture the nostalgia of watching fireflies.   However, it soon became evident that the enthusiasm was both a blessing and a curse.  By 2016, the number of visitors had overwhelmed our capacity, and we were worried we could be endangering the very thing that started this whole event.  






                                                                                  In 2017, World-renowned Firefly Researcher,  Sara Lewis, Ph.D. from Tufts University and author of Silent Sparks, gave a key-note address at the 5th Annual PA Firefly Festival.  She spoke about the double-edged sword of  Firefly Tourism.  Recently, she co-authored an article that was published in the Society for Conservation Biology regarding the global phenomenon of Firefly Tourism.   Moreover, she was impressed with some of the protocols that PAFF was using to mitigate the impacts.  We were inspired and heeded her warnings.  We had to find responsible ways to protect our fireflies and their sensitive habitat while providing the public with a unique firefly experience.  Click here to read our complete statement.






Our festival is now on two nights with a limited registered audience.  Additionally, we also sponsor several unique campouts known as Glow & Know Campouts at locations outside of Forest County.  These efforts allow the festival organizers the ability to provide a more immersive experience for the firefly tourist while not overstressing any one environment/habitat.  The firefly tourist and campers are provided entertainment, expert information, firefly etiquette protocol, and interpretive guides in small groups while safely and responsibly observing the firefly displays.






We have found endless inspiration from the fireflies, and over the years we have evolved our mission to achieving four specific goals.


  •          Offer  our curricular materials, educational displays, and slide presentations to schools and special interest groups

  •          Sponsorship of firefly scientists  to the festival and researchers to the area

  •         Bring firefly habitat protection and awareness to local, state and federal agencies

  •          Enlist and  train local residents in  monitoring of firefly populations, and guiding tourists in using safe, responsible and sustainable methods that protect and conserve our firefly populations for future generations.

 We want to encourage and invite concerned firefly enthusiasts to participate and get involved with this project.  If you are interested in any of the above goals,  please fill out our volunteer form.



online resources

A list of other online resources for firefly information


Resource lists of films, video and audio podcasts

in print

A list of adult and children's books and printable resources


Printables, activity sheets and more.  Information for both kids and adults


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The mission of Pennsylvania Firefly Festival, Inc. is to deliver STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) based firefly-themed educational programs that unite diverse races and cultures by focusing upon the
universal interest in fireflies.   
This mission will be accomplished by educational presentations to Pennsylvania K-12 schools, state parks, special interest groups and community firefly-themed events.

Our goals are as follows:

  • ï‚· Foster an understanding of natural world functions and the science and math behind firefly synchrony.

  • Stimulate critical thinking about the key role of water quality, soil condition, and dark sky for habitat conservation/environmental protection.

  • Provide actionable solutions to protect fireflies as well as other invertebrate habitats at home and throughout the community.​

We celebrate the firefly season with the Annual PA Firefly Festival Campouts on the last weekend in June.  This typically coincides with the mating displays of over fifteen different species of firefly in the Allegheny National Forest area including the Synchronous Firefly and the unique "Chinese Lantern" firefly along the Tionesta Creek.  PAFF is dedicated to responsible and sustainable firefly tourism in Pennsylvania and beyond.


You can view all documents related to our non-profit status HERE.


Pennsylvania Firefly Festival

13558 Route 666, Tionesta, PA

T: 814-230-2035


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